FAQ for Potential Investors of Debt Crowdfunding Note
1. What are the qualifications of potential investors in debt crowdfunding note?
There are risks associated with every type of investment. Investors who are interested in debt crowdfunding note issued by SMEs through Investree should be investors who have experience investing in equity, bonds and/or other type of securities, and are able to accept and understand related risks particularly credit risk and potential risk of principal loss. Interested investors in debt crowdfunding note should be able to make their own investment decisions or are able to receive advice from investment professionals who can help them understand the material risks related to their investment.
2. How to apply to be investor with Investree?
Investors can register directly on Investree’s website by filling in their personal information and upload documents required for Investree to perform KYC checks. Additionally, applicants are required to take both Suitability Test and Knowledge Test to assess whether they have appropriate risk tolerance, understand associated risks, and able to accept risks of principal loss. It is important to note that completion of the tests does not mean that investors are free from investment risks. Once Interested investors have completed both Suitability Test and Knowledge Test, and have reviewed and accepted Investree’s investor’s terms of use, their application will be submitted for review by Investree’s onboarding team. Only verified investors who pass KYC review will be allowed to invest via Investree.
3. How to invest with Investree?
Investors who have been approved as a verified account can start their investment journey by subscribing to available debt crowdfunding notes via their dashboard. Investors can click on any debt crowdfunding note available at that time and review the issuer’s Factsheet which displays key information about each issuer such as business description, industry, purpose of the usage of fund, Investree’s credit rating, interest rate, offering period of the note, financial statement, key financial ratio, issuance history with Investree among other information disclosed by the issuer. When the investor clicks invest to subscribe to a particular note, the system will automatically generate an email to confirm the investor’s subscription. The subscription will only be marked as complete when the investor makes payment for the subscription within 48 hours from the time of subscription. The investor’s subscription payment will be kept at an approved custodian bank and not with Investree. Investors can cancel their subscription at any time up to 48 hours before offering period ends. The offering period of each debt crowdfunding note will be displayed in the factsheet and dashboard. The issuance of any debt crowdfunding note is considered complete if (1) 80% of issuance amount has been subscribed within the offering period, or (2) 100% if the issuance amount is fully subscribed before the offering period ends (Early Closing). In the case of Early Closing, Investree will email to inform investors who subscribed to the note about the early closing, new offering period, and allow investors the opportunity to cancel their subscription at any time up to 48 hours before new offering period ends. In case the issuance is incomplete or unsuccessful, Investree will instruct the custodian bank to return the subscription payment back to investors immediately. Issuance of debt crowdfunding note is considered incomplete or unsuccessful if subscription of the note is less than 80% of the issuance amount within the offering period or Investree halts the offering due to valid concerns that the issuer may have submitted false or misleading information, or omitted certain material information that should have been disclosed to investors (Fraud Prevention).
4. How to monitor investment and repayment?
Investors can monitor the status of their subscription, investment, and repayment from the issuer via their dashboard at any time.
5. What are the risks associated with Debt Crowdfunding Notes?
Investments in debt crowdfunding note is not a deposit but is an investment in a high risk instrument where repayment is often delayed or full repayment may not be received due to business failure of the issuer who are SMEs. Debt crowdfunding notes are notes that have no guarantee, uncollateralized, and have no liquidity or secondary market. Investors must therefore be able to accept liquidity risk and risk of principal loss. Even though Investree provides credit rating for each issuer based on information disclosed by issuer, the credit rating does not reduce potential risk to the investor. Investors should study the issuer’s information carefully and not rely on the credit rating in making the investment decision. Please note that by investing in debt crowdfunding note, investors do not have right to claim for loss under the Securities Exchange Act B.E. 2535 in case where issuer of the note discloses misleading or false information, or fails to disclose material information.
6. What are the information available about debt crowdfunding and type of debt crowdfunding?
Investors can study about the different types of debt crowdfunding note from Investree’s FAQ. Investors can also review the information of each issuer from the issuer’s Factsheet which displays key information about each issuer such as business description, industry, purpose of the usage of fund, Investree’s credit rating, interest rate, offering period of the note, maturity date, tenor, type of note, financial statement, collection procedure, credit risk mitigant, name of directors and management, shareholders among other information that is disclosed by the issuer.
7. Are there investment limits for different types of investors?
Yes, there are limits set by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Individual investors can invest up to THB100,000 in one debt crowdfunding note and can invest no more than THB1,000,000 in all debt crowdfunding note (excluding notes that have already matured).
8. What are the potential return to investors?
Potential return advertised to investors is the annual return before withholding tax and transfer fees charged by commercial banks.
Example 1: Potential Return for Bullet Payment debt crowdfunding note in case where an investor invests THB10,000 in a debt crowdfunding note, with tenor of 60 days and annual return of 14%, the before tax return received by the investor would be THB230.14 (withholding tax is 15% for individual investor and 1% for corporates) and transfer fee (THB10-20). Using the previous example, the return for individual investor after tax and transfer fee would be THB185.62.
Example 2: Potential Return for Amortizing Payment debt crowdfunding note in case where an investor invests THB10,000 in a debt crowdfunding note, with tenor of 12 months and annual return of 15%, the before tax return received by the investor would be THB899.88 (withholding tax is 15% for individual investor and 1% for corporates) and transfer fee (THB10-20). Using the below table, the net return for individual investor after tax and transfer fee would be THB644.90 after tax and transfer fee 1of THB120 for 12 installments.

It is encouraged that investors take into account of both tax and transfer fee prior to making their investment.
9. What are the investor’s rights to cancel their investments?
Investors can cancel their subscription at any time up to 48 hours before offering period ends. The offering period of each debt crowdfunding note will be displayed in the factsheet and dashboard. The issuance of any debt crowdfunding note is considered complete if (1) 80% of issuance amount has been subscribed within the offering period, or (2) 100% if the issuance amount is fully subscribed before the offering period ends (Early Closing). In the case of Early Closing, Investree will email to inform investors of that debt crowdfunding note about the early closing, new offering period, and allow investors the opportunity to cancel their subscription at any time up to 48 hours before new offering period ends.
10. Risk disclaimers
Debt crowdfunding notes are notes that have no guarantee, uncollateralized, and have no liquidity or secondary market. Investors must therefore be able to accept liquidity risk and risk of principal loss. Investors should carefully study all information and consider diversifying their investments into multiple assets and notes and consider not investing a large portion of their savings in debt crowdfunding note.
11. How do I know that my personal information is safe with Investree?
Investree securely stores user’s personal information, using protection enabled online security features in line with our Privacy Policy. Investree has a robust physical, electronic, and managerial protection systems designed to prevent unauthorized access or inappropriate use of customer data. Investree will not provide user’s information to third parties without prior permission or as requested by valid legal authority, and will not contact user’s to ask for their personal information except for the purposes of verification.
12. How to verify your e-mail address?
Potential Issuers will receive an e-mail from Investree containing a link to verify Issuer’s e-mail address. If you have not received the e-mail, please check your Spam folder or contact Investree’s support team.
13. How do I change my password?
You can change your password by going to Account Setting in your Dashboard, and select change password.
14. How do I change my contact details?
You can change your contact details by going to Account Setting in your Dashboard and select edit business or personal profile.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us [email protected] or via line @investree_th or call us at 02-258-6589.